Hey everyone!Things are going great we have been
working hard teaching our investigators preparing
them for baptism. Elder packer and i are traveling
North Bay (another city in the Great North) it is
300k away i don't really know how far that is in
miles but it took us about 3 hours to get here.
We get to actually see other missionaries it is
awesome! Wayne our amazing gator at church on
Sunday told me the excuse for not getting baptized
was melting away, then we went to go teach him
the word of wisdom on Monday and he had already
started living it that morning. This man was so
prepared to hear the gospel and have it change his
life, it is so cool to be able to see the affects that is has on him and his family.
I am so thankful for Mom and Dad even thoughit was tough getting up every morning at
5:45 for scrip tures and prayers it was worth it, having FHE and singinglove at home every Sunday
together even though i would of rather been playing video games. Most important dates once a
week either going and getting owned by dad in racquetball or going on walks with mom on Sundays
wow you guys are awesome!!! and learning to settle arguments even though i have yet to use it
with a comp i have taught elder packer anyways. Anyways i love you all hope everything is going
well sorry i don't have time to write more or get any pictures to you guys.
Love Elder Barrand
1 comment:
OK so this is my first baptism. Wayne is a Stud when i first ment him i ran across the street to talk to him and he was dressed in all leather with "live or die to ride" on it and i said to myself this is going to be fun! wayne has done a complete 180 in his life because of the gospel in just the way he veiws life and the way he treats people. We are going to baptize his wife this saturday at 7 pm then his sons the next weekend
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